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A Few Common Georgia Divorce FAQs

While no two divorces are exactly alike, you may find that you share similar concerns with other individuals in your same situation. For this reason, we have prepared a list of frequently asked divorce questions and their answers to better assist you.

If you find that the answers you are searching for are not here, reach out to us directly. At Christina R. Jenkins, LLC, we will analyze the specific details of your family law concern to provide you with the clarity you need.

Which Route Is Best For You?

Q: How long can divorce proceedings take?

A: In order to file a divorce in the first place, you and your spouse must have resided in Georgia for at least six months. After which you may begin the process. In cases of an uncontested divorce, you may finalize your dissolution as soon as 60 days after your petition. However, in a contested divorce, you may find the timeline much more drawn out. For this reason, it is always best to work with a skilled attorney who can help you efficiently navigate the process to save you time and money.

Q: Should I chose mediation or collaborative law over court?

A: Mediation and collaboration allows you and your spouse to have more control over your divorce and its outcome. In court, a judge reviews the information that both party brings forth and uses that information to make a decision. While this may be beneficial to you in some situation, it does not guarantee that you will get the results you desire. But through these alternative methods of resolving disputes, you can negotiate with your partner to reach terms that can satisfy both parties. Take advantage of attorney Christina R. Jenkins’ knowledge of collaborative law and her experience as a mediator to move your divorce forward today.

Q: Am I eligible for an annulment?

A: Although a legal annulment is not impossible, it is widely uncommon in Georgia. However, the court may grant you an annulment should your marriage lack validity. Grounds for an annulment can include whether you were underage at the time of your marriage, if coercion was a factor, if bigamy was an issue and more. If you are unsure of your eligibility for an annulment, consult a lawyer first.

Need More Information?

For unique circumstances that may require a more in-depth examination, contact us and see which of our locations might best serve your needs today. Take advantage of our consultation to discuss the details of your case in confidence.

Call 770-387-7447 to arrange a meeting with us contact us today or send us your inquiries via email. We look forward to helping you find the answers you need.