Offering Friendly Service And Customized Solutions

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Focused On Our Clients’ And Their Children’s Best Interests

When a marriage ends, important legal decisions must be made at a time when your decision-making skills are, at best, impaired. Personal, emotionally charged issues clash with the legal complexities that come with a divorce.

You need legal help to not only guide you through the family law process, but also help you make sound decisions in your best interests and those of your children.

An Attorney At Your Side During Life-Changing Times

At Christina R. Jenkins, LLC, we understand that you are going through life-changing times. Christina R. Jenkins, LLC, the founder of our Bartow County law firm, will spend time with you to identify the unique issues surrounding your marital dissolution and move forward with personalized legal services and customized strategies.

Specific areas of our divorce law practice include:

  • Parenting plans
  • Spousal support/alimony
  • Property division

The Well-Being Of Your Children Comes First

Certain divorce-related decisions involve children. Georgia courts believe that their best interests come first. Christina R. Jenkins, LLC shares those beliefs. Sparing them from the disputes between their parents can promote healthier relationship in the future. Agreements worked out between parents eases the transition of one household becoming two.

At Christina R. Jenkins, LLC, our desire is to foster your family to a peaceful transition. Every family is different and every case deserves a unique approach that is tailored to your family’s needs. Specific areas of our divorce practice includes: Uncontested Divorce, Parenting Plans, Property division and Mediation when needed.

The founder of Christina R. Jenkins, LLC, is a proponent of collaborative law. Negotiation as opposed to litigation provides you a certain amount of control instead of putting the decision-making power in the hands of a judge. Collaborative law can also shield your children from any disputes between parents and promote a balance between homes.

Contact Christina R. Jenkins, LLC, For Immediate Representation

Contact Cartersville lawyer Christina R. Jenkins, LLC at 770-387-7447 or fill out her office’s online intake form.