Offering Friendly Service And Customized Solutions

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Trusted Real Estate Law Resources For Our Clients

At Christina R. Jenkins, LLC, we oversee all aspects of the closing process throughout Northwest Georgia and Georgia. We review all documents, attending to every detail of your real estate matter. For example, a family home may have passed down through multiple generations over time and in that process, an inadvertent title issue may have been created. You need an attorney who has the knowledge of the Chain of Title to protect your investment.

New state laws ensure that all paperwork is received with enough time to review all verbiage to identify any potential problems.

Answering Your Questions

Are There Title Companies In Georgia?

No. Georgia is one of a handful of states that do not have title companies. Attorneys assume the responsibilities normally afforded the title company, specifically coordinating the closings between buyers and sellers.

What Type Of Properties Has Christina R. Jenkins, LLC Closed On?

Multifamily properties (condominiums and apartment buildings), single-family homes, industrial properties, warehouses, and office buildings.

Do We Need An “Interpreter” When Talking To An Attorney? Sometimes I Think We Do.

No. At Christina R. Jenkins, LLC, we oversee all aspects of the home closing process and speak to you in a language you’ll understand. Christina R. Jenkins, LLC, the founder of our firm, refrains from legalese when explaining the documents and what her clients should expect and identify any key issues where problems may arise.

What Are Tax Sale Foreclosures And How Can I Take Advantage Of Them?

Tax sale foreclosures are one of several types of government foreclosures where the court orders county, state or federal government entities to attach liens for non-payment of taxes. That step starts the process of tax foreclosure and subsequent auctions. We help buyers gain clear title to properties purchased at tax sale foreclosures. Ask our firm’s founder for more information.

Contact Us

To schedule an initial consultation, contact Cartersville lawyer Christina R. Jenkins, LLC at 770-387-7447 or fill out our online intake form.